Biofilm Formation onPprosthetic Material and its Pathological Relevance

Revision surgery due to periprosthetic infections is a serious problem in arthroplasty. In the case of a hip or shoulder endoprosthesis, they are to be expected in only about 1 % of cases. However, after replacement operations or revisions, the rate is somewhat higher at 5% prosthesis infections. These periprosthetic infections come at a high cost and are mostly based on the formation of a biofilm, which protects the involved bacteria against antimicrobial therapies. The most common germs of septic prosthetic infestation are Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis, but other microorganisms such as Propionibacterium acnes or Finegoldia magna or even complex, microbial communities are often responsible for prosthetic infections. The biggest problem of these infections is on the one hand sepsis, if the infection is severe. However, premature prosthetic loosening is also problematic in so-called "low-grade" infections. The detection of a "low grade" infection is difficult, as it is often only discovered by chance during a change by taking many samples. In most cases, the combination of history, imaging, inflammatory parameters and a preoperative puncture succeeds in making the diagnosis with sufficient probability. To date, rapid and reliable diagnosis is difficult, especially in "low-grade" infections. The treatment of a low-grade infection should probably be adapted to the severity of the infection, so that there is a difference between the treatment of sepsis and low-grade infection.

Therefore, the diagnosis of "low-grade" periprosthetic infections remains a difficult task in clinical practice and an improved diagnostic strategy is mandatory. The aim of this work is to better understand microbial community composition and biofilm formation in vivo with the goal of improving diagnosis and treatment.

Last Modification: 10.02.2021 - Contact Person:

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