Proprioception Lab

Manager of Proprioception Lab
Technical Employee

Research Topics


Influence of joint diseases on the volitional activability of joint-moving muscles:

An notable consequence of joint changes is that the voluntary activation of the joint-moving musculature is restricted. In addition, there are indications that limitations of voluntary activation can in turn lead to joint changes. The Experimental Orthopaedics and Performance Medicine Unit is investigating the voluntary activation of large muscles using a special examination technique (twitch interpolation technique) both in normal subjects and in patients with joint diseases. Twitch interpolation technique on the right quadriceps muscle of a normal person.

Motoneuron circuitry in humans

The research area Experimental Orthopedics and Performance Medicine investigates in the context of the research topic Motor neuron circuitry in humans circuit principles that motor neurons (cells essential for human movement) possess in normal subjects and patients with joint diseases. Transcranial stimulation methods are used for this purpose, which not only have considerable diagnostic potential, but also, as shown by the research group, may be therapeutically useful to improve changes in the volitional activability of large muscle groups that are altered by joint disease. Also in the works are the triple stimulation experiment to characterize the left quadriceps motoneuron association in a normal subject.

Proprioception Measurement of Large Joints

Joint changes lead to altered joint perception. In addition, disturbances of information from joints (proprioception) are held responsible for joint changes progressing further. In the research topic Proprioception of the research area Experimental Orthopaedics and Performance Medicine, the underlying disturbances are quantified. In particular, methods have been developed that allow measurements of the unconscious part of the proprioceptive information.

Neuromonitoring in Orthopedic Surgery

During orthopedic operations, nerve structures are exposed to particular stresses. In order to protect them during an operation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the function of the sensitive structures. The development and application of such neuromonitoring methods is a research topic of the Experimental Orthopedics and Performance Medicine Unit.

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