ACP Therapy (Autologous Conditioned Plasma)
In some overuse reactions in the musculoskeletal system, the possibility of applying ACP (Autologous Conditioned Plasma) to alleviate the symptoms is a therapeutic option. Likewise in the case of incipient osteoarthritis.
Internationally, the treatment of the so-called tennis elbow, epicondylitis humeri radialis as well as the treatment of the golfer's elbow, epicondylitis humeri ulnaris and the treatment of the painful Achilles tendon (achillodynia) have become established.
Less promising, but certainly worth considering as a trial therapy, is the therapy of incipient osteoarthritis, for example in the knee joint or ankle joint, as well as the treatment of painful calcified shoulder (tendopathia calcarea).
Since this procedure is not yet covered by the statutory health insurance funds, this therapy is offered as a partial IGEL service (self-pay service) in the Orthopedic University Hospital. Taking into account the cost factors (centrifuge, platelet filter, gloves, etc.), the total price for the treatment consisting of 3 injections is approximately 250 €.
Information about the therapy method, the course of the therapy and possible contraindications takes place in the ACP consultation hours on Mondays between 2:00 and 3:30 p.m. in the outpatient clinic of the Orthopedic University Hospital, OÄ Dr. Rudolf. An appointment can be made at short notice.
Prof. Dr. med. C. H. Lohmann
Clinic Director
Dr. med. M. Rudolf
Attending Physician
In-house study on the efficacy of ACP in ulnar humeral epicondylitis.